General Admissions Information
Western Piedmont operates under an “open door” admission policy. All people, 18 years of age or older, or who are high school graduates, and who are able to profit from further formal education, will be served by the College. The college serves all students regardless of race, religion, association, sex, age, disability, or ethnic origin.
- Application Procedures for Curriculum Programs
- Students with Non-Traditional High School Backgrounds
- Special Credit Students
- Transfer Students
- Visiting Students
- Readmissions
- Foreign Applicants (from Outside the United States)
- Residency Determination Service
Application Procedures for Curriculum Programs
- All entering curriculum students must submit a properly completed application to the Office of Admissions. Admission applications are processed online. If you have problems with the application or need assistance, please e-mail
- Entering students should forward transcripts of high school and all college work to the Admissions Office. Students must authorize in writing the release of transcripts from high schools and colleges. Admission to all associate degree programs and some diploma and certificate programs requires high school or GED completion. (Only the English version of the GED will satisfy proof of high school graduation)
- All students seeking a degree, diploma, or certificate at Western Piedmont Community College will be required to submit test scores to determine the student’s placement into college-level courses.
- Permission to register may be denied if all admission requirements are not complete after the student’s initial registration.
Students with Non-Traditional High School Backgrounds
For curriculum programs requiring high school graduation for admission, WPCC will accept graduates from regionally accredited high schools and from accredited Adult High School programs, GED programs, and Home Schools approved by the NC Division of Non-Public Education and from accredited American Schools abroad. Other high school graduates (foreign, etc.) must be exempt from DRE 096 as determined by the College placement test; otherwise, they must complete an accredited GED or high school program. Only the English version of the GED will satisfy proof of high school graduation.
Special Credit Students
A special credit student is defined as one who is enrolled in curriculum credit courses but who is not working toward a degree or diploma. Special credit students will be allowed to register for courses upon providing official college transcripts showing prerequisite courses are met. For admission, special students need only to complete the application. Special credit students, however, will be asked to submit proof of high school graduation and meet placement criteria if they desire to be reclassified as regular students. Special students pay the same tuition and fees as regular students.
Transfer Students
A transfer student is a student entering Western Piedmont Community College who has earned credit at another institution and wishes to apply those credits toward a WPCC degree or diploma. In addition to submitting all other application materials, transfer students must have official transcripts sent to Western Piedmont by the institution which originally granted the credit. To be considered for credit, courses must have been taken at a regionally accredited institution. Transfer students must meet the admission requirements of a beginning student; however, students who hold an Associate Degree or higher may be exempt from WPCC placement testing. Students who have successfully completed ENG 111, or it’s equivalent, with a grade of “C” or better may be exempt from the reading and writing sections of the placement test. Exemption from the numerical, elementary algebra, or intermediate algebra sections of the placement test is dependent on the major students are pursuing. Questions regarding exemptions for the placement test should be directed to the Coordinator of Testing. Transfer credit may be allowed for courses in which students have made a grade of “C” or better. Transfer credit may be allowed for courses in which students have made a grade of “D” if approved by petition. Transfer credit will not be allowed for courses in which students have received a grade for credit by examination. Credits from colleges operating on the quarter system are recalculated on a semester-hour basis. A grade point average for graduation, honors, and continuing enrollment is computed only for courses taken at Western Piedmont Community College.
Visiting Students
Students working toward a degree at other institutions may take courses at Western Piedmont for transfer. For admission, visiting students need only to complete the application. Also, students must submit official college transcripts showing prerequisite courses are met prior to taking courses at WPCC. Visiting students are encouraged to obtain written permission from the student’s home institution stating that the courses at WPCC will be acceptable toward degree requirements.
Western Piedmont Community College follows the Records and Retention Schedule provided by the North Carolina Community College System. Students who have not attended the College for a period of two semesters or longer and wish to be readmitted should follow the steps for admission. Students re-entering after one semester of non-attendance may be required to meet the graduation requirements of the current catalog. Students should be aware that some programs have specific requirements for readmission. Additionally, some programs limit the number of times students can be readmitted. Students who were suspended due to academic deficiencies may seek readmission after one calendar year. Students who were suspended due to a violation of the Student Code of Conduct must meet the terms of their suspension to be considered for readmission. Former students will not be readmitted until all financial obligations to any program or activity under the administrative jurisdiction of the College have been satisfied.
Foreign Applicants (from Outside the United States)
Proficiency in the English language and satisfactory academic records are important factors in the admission decision for all applicants from outside the United States. Foreign students must have graduated from a secondary school that is equivalent to secondary schools in the United States. Furthermore, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the College placement tests are required of all foreign applicants. Students should contact a university in their native country for information about the Test of English as a Foreign Language. Foreign applicants should contact the WPCC Director of Enrollment Management for additional information.
Under North Carolina law, persons must qualify as state residents for a tuition rate lower than that for nonresidents.
Residency Determination Service
In 2013 the North Carolina General Assembly (SB 402) instructed the educational entities in North Carolina to work collaboratively to create a centralized process for determining residency for the purpose of tuition and administration of state financial aid. These entities included the University of North Carolina General Administration (UNCGA), the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS), the North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (NCICU), and the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (NCSEAA).
Under the leadership of the Higher Education Collaborative Advisory Committee (HECAC), representatives from the North Carolina education entities worked together for approximately three years to develop the Central Residency Determination Service. The North Carolina Community College System will implement the Residency Determination Service (RDS) in March, 2017, along with North Carolina public colleges and universities. North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities implemented the Residency Determination Service on December 5, 2016.
As a result of the legislative directive, College Foundation, Inc. (CFI) was selected to develop and administer the statewide Residency Determination Service.
The Residency Determination Service will provide separate processes to reach a residency classification. Most students will only be required to complete the Initial Consideration process. The Reconsideration and Appeal processes are for those students who experience a change in circumstances (Reconsideration) or who have not had a change in status and believe their residency classification is incorrect (appeal). It is a student’s responsibility to notify the WPCC Student Records office of any changes in residency status.
All students, parents, faculty, staff, and constituents of the North Carolina Community College System should refer to the Residency website at for more current details regarding the North Carolina Residency Determination Service, processes and required residency guidelines.